Article 31 For the purposes of this Law the term "alien" means any person not holding Chinese nationality according to the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China. 第三十一条本法所称的外国人是指依照《中华人民共和国国籍法》不具有中国国籍的人。
The jail terms are largely symbolic as under Spanish law the maximum term that can be served is40 years. 但西班牙法律规定犯人最多在监狱中服刑40年。
The subject about the scope of bribe in the bribing crime is always the issue in our country's academia about criminal law in a long term. 关于贿赂犯罪中“贿赂”的范围,一直是我国刑法学界长期争议的问题。
In order to eliminate buffeting caused by exponentially reaching law, an idempotence term is introduced to make the control law smooth. 引入幂次项进行平滑设计,以减少指数趋近律引起的抖振。
In a court of law, the term leading question denotes a question that is put in such a way as to guide the person being questioned towards a desired response. 在法庭中,诱导性问题是诱导被问者按照需要的回答而回答的问题。
In modern criminal law, subtraction of term of penalty is not only a provision, but a legal regime that can be analyzed in different logic way in accordance with its different legal relations. 在现代刑法中,刑期折抵不只是一个法律规定,而且是一种现代法律制度。
Administrative law is the general term of all legal norms and principles that regulates the different kinds of social relations occurring in the course of implementation of administrative power by administrative subject. 行政法则是调整因行政主体行使行政职权而发生的各种社会关系的法律规范和原则的总称。
Common law term for an action against a person arise out of a contract or tort 对人诉讼;普通法用语,表示因合同或侵权向某人进行的诉讼
E-government law is a general term meaning to adjust the modern information technique in the public administration applied scope, condition, way, position, effect, etc. 电子政务法是指调整现代信息技术在公共行政中应用的范围、条件、方式、地位、效力等事项的法律规范的总称,是行政法体系中一个相对独立的分支。
This thesis discusses the great values of law term for the history of Chinese grammar which based on the spring of forcing resultative complement and special syntax form. 文中以使成式的产生与特殊句式为例说明了法律用语对汉语历史语法学研究的重要价值。
The so-called economic law is the collective term for rules and regulations of overall important and social public economic relations which are needed to be intervened by the state in order to maintain social public interest under the condition of the socialization of modern economy. 所谓经济法,就是在现代经济社会化条件下,国家为维护社会公共利益而制定的、调整需要由国家干预的具有全局性和社会公共性的经济关系的法律规范的总称。
If to understand the administration legislation, then we must pay more attention to the abstract administration behavior. As law term, Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that there is no special relation between the two kinds of behavior. 要谈行政立法就不得不关注抽象行政行为这个法律术语,因为抽象行政行为在我国的法律理论和法律实践上都有举足轻重的地位,通过分析得出行政立法与抽象行政行为并没有必然关系。
The rule of law, a term of heavily western color, has gradually established its rightful position in contemporary Chinese context. 法治这一具有浓重西方色彩的话语,在当代中国语境中逐渐获得合法地位。
Study of Globalization of Law in Term of Culture 法律全球化研究的文化视角
The Veracity of Law Term 论法律语言的准确性
Normally, a person can identify the relation between him and a normative law, in term of its provisions on the scope of legal application. 人们通常是从一部规范性法文件的适用范围的规定中来认定自己与该规范性法文件的关系。
The semantic components in law term are in special direction and the forms of its development are very diverse. 法律用语的语义具有特指性,语义演变方式也是多样的。
In the aspect of procedure, the law should definitely prescribe the term of sanction of reprieve. 在程序方面提出,要明确规定死缓案件核准的期限。
In Marx's opinion, the property relationship was a law term of relations of production, and the formation of private property and its legal protection were essential products of the productivity. They played an important role in advancing the development of capitalist economy. 马克思认为财产关系是生产关系的法律用语,私有财产的生成及其法律保护是生产力发展的必然产物,对资本主义市场经济的发展起到了重要的促进作用。
The nested Lyapunov level sets are introduced such that control may be proposed based on the derivative of the piece-wise Lyapunov functions. The derived control law contains discontinuous term and tendency-rate term. 引入一组嵌套的Lyapunov级集,并根据分段Lyapunov函数导出控制律,该控制律含有不连续控制项和趋近率项。
Ruling the state by law would be a long term and arduous course, which would inevitably be subject to the restrictions of traditional law culture, juristic theory, juridical system and poor stuff of the population. 依法治国将是一个长期和艰辛的过程,不可避免地会受到传统法律文化、法学理论、司法体制及过低的人口素质的制约。
The present criminal law ( 1997) makes provisions for it in byelaw 30 and 31. The establishment of the unit crime in our system of criminal law is the outcome of interaction of the theory of criminal law and the long term practice. 我国现行1997年刑法在第30条、第31条中对单位犯罪作出了规定。单位犯罪在我国刑法体系中得以确立,是我国刑事法理论与实践长期互动的产物。
As for perfecting the crime, work should be done in making clear the mode of behavior, defining the law term, enhancing the breadth of penalty and adding additional penalty. 可从明确行为模式、规范法律用语、提高刑罚幅度、增设附加刑等方面对巨额财产来源不明罪进行完善。
Affiliate is not a strictly law term, but it is closely related with the law. 挂靠不是一个严格意义上的法律术语,但却与法律息息相关。
The adaptive law with the differential term and the control law with integral term of d-q axis current error are deduced by constructing the suitable Lyapunov function, and the anti-windup integrator is added to improve the dynamic performance. 通过构造适当的李雅普诺夫函数,推导出带d-q轴电流误差微分项的自适应律和带d-q轴电流误差积分项的控制律,并引入抗饱和积分器,提高系统的动态性能。
Unfair prejudice to this law the term has no definite idea. 不公平损害这一法学术语,至今没有确定的概念。
The system model is first transformed into its equivalent form, then a control law consisting of a linear term and a saturated term is given for an important subsystem, with the saturation levels being assigned as large as possible. 系统模型首先被转换成其等价形式,然后给出一个重要子系统的控制律。该控制律由线性项和饱和项组成,且饱和度得到尽可能大的配置。
At the same time, many large enterprises have adopted various measures to the "Employment Contract Law" in the non-fixed term labor contracts to avoid the content can be seen, the community of non-fixed term labor contract role is not totally convinced. 同时,很多大型企业都采取了各种措施对《劳动合同法》中的无固定期限劳动合同内容进行规避,可见,社会各界对无固定期限劳动合同的作用并未完全认同。
The restraining spirit of criminal law is a term that has been widely used in the study of modern criminal law. The idea of the restraining criminal law gradually influences criminal law reform measures of various countries. 刑法的谦抑精神是现代刑法研究中使用频率较高的一个用语,刑法谦抑性的理念也逐渐影响各国刑法改革措施。